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Saturday, 9 January 2016

H-bomb of North Korea

North Korea's Kim Jong Un says hydrogen bomb test self-defensive step against the US.
North Korea last week successfully tested a hydrogen bomb.This hydrogen generated 5.1m earthquake in north Korea.North Korea announced on national TV after the earthquake, the North Koreans have successfully made Hydrogen bomb.Some people says this hydrogen-bomb is a gift for Kim jong un for his birthday.It is  north Korea's first hydrogen bomb.North Korea also has a nuclear bomb.hydrogen-bomb is 100x powerful then a nuclear bomb.Hydrogen bomb is also called thermonuclear bomb.The first hydrogen bomb was test by america in first november 1952.
Nuclear bomb works with fission reaction and hydrogen bomb works with fusion  reaction.In both cases we use very famous equation in science which is E=mc^2 , this equation tells us if we multiply mass(m) with light (C^2) very high amount of energy will release which is E.
Fission of one uranium atom produces two hundred mega electronvolt  {200MeV} energy.
Fission means rupture of two atoms and fusion means two atoms become one atom.
Fission reaction is possible with radioactive atoms like uranium and plotunium.

Today, nuclear energy is lifeblood of modern society.Nuclear power countries are using nuclear power as alternate of coal.France is getting over 1/3 of there power from nuclrear energy(fission).
And also other countris are using nuclear power like USA,UK,Pakistan,Russia,Chaina and many other nuclear power countries.Nuclear power is clean but not green.

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