i)Jabir Bin Hayyan (722-817 A.D)
Jabir Bin Hayyan is said to be the founder of Chemistry.He discovered methods to extract metals from ores, making steel, leather, dyeing cloths and protecting iron from rust.He prepared chemicals like nitric acid, sulphuric acid and hydrochloric acid.Jabir Bin Hayyan was the discoverer of many other chemical compounds.He also knew the methods for preparation of varnish.Jabir Bin Hayyan was the first chemist who had his own Laboratory.He knew about the process of fractional distillation.Jabir Bin Hayyan wrote many books about chemistry and related topics in Arabic language.Among these books Al-Kitab and Al-Khalis are very famous books.The translation of his book Al-Chemia in Latin was done by an English man Robert of Chester in 1144.In 1892 Mu Aw Homus translated nine books of Jabir Bin Hayyan in french.He was a best chemist all time and he was a great scientist of all time.He was known as the father of chemistry.He wrote 27 books on topic of chemistry.
ii)Muhammad Bin Zikrya Al-Razi(865-925 A.D)
His full name was Abu Bakar Muhammad Bin Zikrya Al-Razi.He was born in 'Ray' now Tehran in 865 A.D which is situated in Iran.He was not only a chemist but a great physician as well.He was an experienced surgeon and administrator of a hospital in Baghdad.He was the first person to use opium to make his patients unconscious.He was the first person to explain in detail the causes,symptoms and treatment of chicken pox and small pox.His theories and ideas about these diseases are still practised.He was the first person to prepare alcohol from fermentation.He classified chemicals substances into four groups.
1)Minerals 2)Botanicals 3)Animals 4)Derived .
This classification of chemical compounds done by Al-Razi is still accepted.
iii)Ibn-ul-Haitham (965-1039 A.D)
His full name was Abu Ali Al-Hassan Ibn-ul-Hassan Al-Basri.He is known as Al-Hazen in the west.He identified inertia of matter, a theory which was later developed by Newton and called laws of motion.He discovered the pinhole camera.The name of his book, which is reputed all over the world, is "Kitab-il-Manazir".It is a complete methematical and practical book about specialities of light.Ibn-ul-Haitham is considered to be the first expert on laws of refraction,reflection besides lens and mirrors.The detail that Ibn-ul-Haitham had presented about eye is considered to be the right even now after going through many experiments.roger Bacon has mentioned the name of Ibn-ul-Haitham in his Literary work again and again.He was expert in any type of light reflection and other theories.
iv)Al-Bairuni (973-1048 A.D)
Al-Bairuni's full name was Burhan-ul-Haq Abu Rehan Muhammad Bin Ahmed.He was called as Al-Bairuni from the very beginning.He was born in Khawarizam on September 4, 973.
He got his early education from Abu-Naseer Mansoor, a great philosopher and mathematician of his time.
Al-Bairuni was a great physician, astronomer, mathematician, physicist, geographer and a historian all at the same time.He was appointed as historian and scholar in the court of Sultan Mehmood Ghaznavi.He discovered that light travels faster than sound.
And his amazing discovery was the radius of the earth 6338km.He discovered it near Pind Dadan Khan,District Jhelum about 100km east of Islamabad,the capital of Pakistan.And it is very great thing for Pakistani people and Muslims.And the Latest measure of the earth's radius is 6353km with a difference of only 15km.He made great contribution in the fields of astronomy, astrology, mathematics and geography.
During his visit to the sub-continent(Pakistan and India) he discovered that the Sindh-valley was under the sea, with the passage of time the seawater receded and the valley came into being.Modern geologists agree with his ideas.He wrote about 150 books on mathematics.The name of famous book of Al-Bairuni is "Tehreer-ul-Amakin".He was a great man of his time.All the modern geologists, mathematicians ,physicists,astronomers and historians are agree with his ideas.
v)Bu Ali Sina (980-1037 A.D)
His full name was Aby Ali Al-Hussain Ibn-Abdullah.He is very well known as Avecena in Europe.He is considered Aristotle of the Muslim world.He wrote a research article on 760 herbs.It shows that he was not only a chemist but also an expert in medicine.He was the first person to reject the idea of converting common metal into gold.He wrote about 100 books on philosophy,science, fiqah, Literature and biology.His famous book on philosophy is Kitab-al-Shifa.In this famous book along with the subjects of physics,chemistry,mathematics too much has been discussed about subjects like music and biology.His great work on medicine is his famous book Al-Qanoon-fil-Tib.It consists of 14 volumes.It explains the making and working of different parts of human body.This book was taught as a textbook in western universities until the late 17th century.
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